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ET Mapping Tutorial

Lesson 4


Creating an environment
Making a large volume
Hull caulking
Snowy ground
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Making a large volume [Top]
By managing to achieve a fully workable, albeit tiny, map in the previous lesson, you have actually got over a significant hurdle.  Much of what follows will be easy to assimilate now that you have acquired the knowledge to get the guts of a map working.

Our first room was tiny.  We will expand it to something rather larger, convert it into an "outside" environment to contain some buildings, and then make a building to put in it.  At the end of this second tutorial you'll be able to run around inside and outside a building that contains a few rooms.

Run Radiant if you haven't already.

Open the tutorial.map.

You may have spotted on the Preferences tabs that you can get Radiant to open the last map you were working on.  Don't do it.  You can mangle your map so that it causes Radiant to crash on opening it, and if it's set to open it on startup it can get confusing and tiresome trying to sort it out.
You will notice that the textures window shows by default all the textures used in your map.  As you get more and more textures in your map, that list will get longer.  This brings a useful editor feature into use: Click Textures/Textures Window Scale and select 25%.  That way you can see more textures more easily.  There will be times though that you can't easily read the texture names because the text is overlapped with the next texture.  Set the scale to 100% or 200% to overcome that.  In other words, set the scale to whatever you are comfortable with and that meets your needs.

Let's make this tiny room into a large outdoor container for a building we will then create inside it.

It might be quicker to start afresh with making a large cubic space - but we will instead transform our tiny room into the large volume because it demonstrates a number of handy techniques, including hiding, revealing and deleting brushes, plus manipulating multiple brushes simultaneously.

In the 2D window, top down view, shift+alt+click on the ceiling of your room, twice.  This will end up selecting the floor (yes!) as you will easily verify by either pressing ctrl+tab or looking in the 3D view.

Still in the overhead 2D view, shift+click on the ceiling area again.  This will add the ceiling to your selection set, ie you now have the ceiling and floor selected.

Press 8 to get a nice big grid scale.

In the 2D view, click outside the selected area in the upper part of the window, and drag the selection larger in that direction, until the selection reaches the 1024 Y-axis mark.

Now click in the 2D window to the right of the selection and drag it to the right, making the selection a square of dimension 1024*1024.

Deselect the brushes.  Now we want to stretch the walls to match.  Put the cursor over the right hand wall in the 2D window and press shift+alt+click twice.  The first click will select the ceiling, but the second will select the wall that we want.

Then shift+click the left hand wall, so now we have both side walls selected.  Put the cursor above and between them and drag upwards until they are 1024 long.

Press ESC.  We want to move that right hand wall over to the far right, but the ceiling is in the way and the shift+alt+click is a little tiresome, so we'll employ another technique to make it easier.

Select the ceiling.  Press H to hide the selection.  Now we can get at the walls without always having to drill down through the ceiling.

Select the right hand wall.  Put the cursor within it in the 2D window and move it over to the far right.

Press ESC - select the remaining 2 short walls and delete them by pressing BACKSPACE.  (If you accidentally select say the floor when trying to select a wall, just repeat the click and the wrongly selected brush will get deselected again.)

Now select the 2 big walls - the quickest way here is probably to click on them directly in the 3D window.

Duplicate them by pressing the Space Bar, then rotate them through 90 degrees by pressing the key shown in the picture:


Put your cursor within one of the selected brushes in the 2D window, and drag the walls into place to complete the square around the floor.

Press ESC to deselect and finally press shift+H to reveal all hidden brushes (ie the ceiling).

Ok we have a wide area now, but the sky is pressing down a bit, so we need to give ourselves some more headroom.

Select the ceiling brush.  Press ctrl+tab to get a side view in the 2D window.  Move the ceiling up a couple of grid lines.

Press ESC.  Select all 4 walls (easiest by shift+clicking them in the 3D window).

Return to the 2D window and put the cursor above the walls, then drag them up to meet the ceiling.

Press ESC.  We've now made ourselves a larger volume, and we're going to make it represent the outdoors.

Now is as good a time as any to set the new worldspawn values.  Select any normal brush and press N.

Click on the "mapcoordsmaxs" line in the table, and then replace "128 0" in the Value box with "1024 0".  Press return.

Click on the "mapcoordsmins" line in the table, and then replace "0 128" in the Value box with "0 1024".  Press return.  Press ESC.

Hull caulking [Top]
This next bit is not strictly necessary, but it will aid you when your map grows larger and more complicated.  Because you will have a lot of caulked brushes in your 3D view, it can be confusing trying to spot what are supposed to be the outer boxes that contain everything.  There is another purpose which I will cover later on.

So we will apply another texture to the walls of our resized box, to reflect its role as the container of the play environment within it.  It will also demonstrate one of the most usual ways to select multiple brushes.

In the 2D view, make sure you have the top down view, and create a brush that envelopes the entire cubic creation made so far.  Don't worry about what texture it is nor how high the brush happens to be (as seen in the 3D window).

Somewhere in the 2D window, doesn't matter where, right click.  Choose Select/Select Complete Tall.  This will select all brushes that are completely within the 2D box you've just drawn, even if they happen to extend beyond it, upwards/downwards, in the 3D view.  It also deletes the brush we had created because it was created to define the set of brushes we wanted to select.

 Now we want to make the Hull Caulk texture available to us for picking.  So click the Textures menu item, then Common.  You'll see lots of chequered multi-coloured squares in your textures window.  You might want to set the texture scale to 50% or 100% to make it clearer (Textures/Texture Window Scale).  You might also want to resize the textures window for a minute to help you see what you've got.

Find the Yellow/Green box labelled Hull Caulk and click it.  Then press ESC and your box will now look like this:

Snowy ground [Top]
In the 3D view, go inside the box - we need to restore the interior textures.

Shift+ctrl+click the ceiling.  Click Textures/skies/skies_sd (note you want the skies that has a subordinate skies_sd menu) and click the sd_siwasky texture in the textures window.  The ceiling will now have red/black check - don't worry about it.

Shift+ctrl+click the floor.  Click Textures/fueldump and click the snowfloor texture (don't worry about the Hong Phong text).

Shift+ctrl+click a wall.  Right-click so you can rotate the view in the 3D window, and shift+alt+ctrl+click the other 3 walls.  Then right-click to get your arrow cursor back.

Click Textures/battery_wall and click wall03_mid texture.  Press ESC to deselect the faces.

Save your work and compile the map.

Run ET to check how your work is looking so far - with luck it looks like this:

Run around a bit.  Notice that you are making snowy footstep sounds?  That's pretty neat, how does the program know that a messy white/grey texture painted on the ground should sound like snow?  The answer is "shaders", which we'll cover later on.

Next lesson