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ET Mapping Tutorial

Lesson 5a


Making a building outline in your environment
Making an L-shaped outline
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Making an L-shaped outline [Top]
I have chosen an L-shape structure to demonstrate the best practices for creating joined walls, with the aim of using the least number of brushes and visible faces.

I am now assuming you know how to create, caulk, duplicate, move and resize brushes - please refer to earlier lessons for a refresher if you don't remember.

Run Radiant.  Open the tutorial map.  Leave the grid size at the default 4 for the moment.  Press ctrl+tab to see the side 2D view.  We are going to move the environment down  a little, in order to make the upper face of the floor run along the 0 (zero) Z co-ordinate.  This will make it easier when we are creating new brushes, because they will sit just on the ground by default, rather than just through it.

Draw a box around the whole environment (mousewheel zoom out to see it all if needed), and either right-click and Select/Select Complete Tall or click the indicated button, whichever you feel comes more naturally.  If you can't see everything in the 2D window you can scroll the view by right-clicking it and dragging around.

You should see this:

Zoom in so you can see the grid, and move the whole lot down one grid notch.

Press ESC.  Press ctrl+tab twice to get the overhead view, and zoom out so you can see the whole area again.  Set the grid size to 8.

Draw a brush as shown below.  Cycle thru ctrl+tab to confirm the brush is sitting on the floor level and is 128 high.  If it isn't (because Radiant remembers the last brush manipulation you were doing) adjust it so that it is.

Caulk it.  Change the grid scale to 5, and reduce the width of the wall by putting the cursor under the selection and dragging up.  You may want to zoom in a little to clarify the grid lines for yourself.

Press ESC.  In 3D view, select the face that will be the inner wall - it's the south facing wall that faces back to where the player start points are.

Apply Textures/chateau wood_test texture, or some other wall texture if you like.  Press ESC.

In 3D view take yourself around to the outside face and apply an exterior texture.  I'm using Textures/town/town_wall church_c01dm.  Press ESC again to deselect the face.

Now select the wall brush and duplicate it, then rotate the new wall by 90 degrees, in the usual way... 

...for making a wall at right-angles to the previous wall, and position it as shown.

What you have here is the wrong way to make adjacent walls.  We will correct this is a minute, but I'm doing this to show you why you should avoid this construct when possible (sometimes it will be unavoidable).

With walls butted up like this, the face A will need an outer wall texture applied (making 3 outer faces so far), and the face B will overlap some of the inner texture applied to the other brush, which is wasteful because it means a face is textured for its full length yet part of it cannot be seen.

There is a more efficient way to arrange the two walls:

Move the second wall up one notch so that the brushes overlap.

Press E to bring up the edges markers.

  The little blue dots mark the edge points we can manipulate.

Click on the left blue dot and drag it one notch down.

Press shift+alt+click on the other wall brush to select it, and press E to show its edge points.

Click on the bottom blue dot and drag it left one notch.  Press ESC twice to turn off edge point display and deselect the brush.

You can see we have made a nice join now, that means we only need 2 outer faces and there is no wasted display of inner faces because there is nothing partially overlapping a textured face.

We're going to this trouble, when we hadn't for the tiny room, because the outer faces are going to be visible so it isn't ok to leave chunky gaps on the outside faces - it's all got to join and seal so that people outside can't see ugly joins or see through gaps, and vice versa.

We'll create more walls next to complete the building outline.

Select the second brush and angle its bottom end using the edge points (you may want to first select the main area ceiling and hide (H) it).

Duplicate the brush, rotate it 90 degrees and attach it to the second brush:

Reduce the length of the selected brush.

Duplicate it, rotate 90 degrees and move into place.

Duplicate it, rotate 90 degrees 3 times and move into place.

Duplicate it, rotate 90 degrees and move into place.

Press ESC.  Select the top brush, press E and drag the bottom blue dot to the right to make the join 45 degrees.

Press ESC.  Select the horizontal brush where the join isn't right, press E and drag the top blue dot to the right 2 notches.

Press ESC.  Finally select the lower brush and use the Edge blue dot to drag its inner face up to meet the other at 45 degrees.

You've made an L-shaped outline with an efficient use of faces.  You could compile here if you like and have a quick run around to see how it looks.  When you come back, we'll add a floor, ceiling, some windows you can smash, a door, and for good measure, an outdoor MG42.

Next lesson