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A Message from Dick Tufeld - 9/12/05

To all Lost in Space fans, to Ray Dutczak and to visitors to this website:

Well, in a few days it'll be 40 years since Lost in Space first flickered onto channel two in Los Angeles and to station affiliates of the CBS television network around the country, and then onto TV screens around the world. 40 years!

Hard to believe. Four decades of great change, of significance, of discovery, of learning, of happiness and sadness, of elation and frustration, of birth and life and death.

The Lost in Space fan: unbelievably loyal, impassioned; with a hunger for LIS knowledge, both current and archival; thirsting for LIS shows, specials and artifacts that span the spectrum between 1965 and today.

The Lost in Space cast: sadly, two treasured members -- Guy and Jonathan -- no longer with us... but the remainder still active, still enjoying each other's company whenever possible; still looking forward to the next group lunch or dinner or individual encounter... and there are more of those than you might think.

The Robot: still around... has fathered multiple offspring these days thanks to the B-9 Robot Builders Club and B-9 Robot creator, Robert Kinoshita: available for lunch, still creating, still the nicest guy. The man in the can (no disrespect intended !), Bob May: still laughing, still telling Olsen and Johnson and other great stories...

Robot voice, Dick Tufeld : still trying to do his best...

Irwin and Jonathan regrettably are gone, but Sheila Allen is here, Gertrude Harris is with us, and Kevin Burns continues to carry the torch and lead the way. And because we live where we live, we get to see and talk to Angela and Marta and Billy and their families. So it's better than okay. We're glad we're here. And we're thrilled that you can join us at this place -- this wonderful meeting site for Lost in Space fans, creators, cast members and aficionados.

Welcome to !

And please -- lets keep it going !!

Dick Tufeld

Dick Tufeld Links

Message to the fans 9/12/05

Starlog Interview

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