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The Reluctant Stowaway - Jonathan Harris Memories

Happily my memory of this first Lost in Space episode is clear and sharp. Of course when I joined the cast, who had already shot the pilot, I was the "new boy". Always a bit nerve wracking. However, all went well until I had a run in with Tony Leader, the director. 

The script called for me to be discovered in a coffin-like drawer. I couldn't face that - my claustrophobia wouldn't permit it. I explained to Leader that this shot was impossible for me, and I suggested that my stand-in do it.

Leader wouldn't hear of it, and he summoned Irwin Allen. I explained my problem, and Irwin understood and he agreed to have my stand-in do it. Leader was furious, and he never again directed a Lost in Space episode! 

I remember a close headshot that I did, quite calm and deadly, as indicated in the script. Irwin applauded and said, "That face, what a great face!" "Hah!" 

I occurred to me that this wicked, deadly Dr. Smith was without any redeemable features, and would surely be killed off and written out after 5-6 episodes And so, I began to slip in my justly famous, comedic, villainy here and there, hoping that Irwin wouldn't notice. He noticed and said, "Do more." 

And the rest was history.

What a joy it was to play the new Smith, full of guile and deceit, and all the other facets of his nature I gave him. I loved him dearly, and I still do. 

"Never fear, Smith is here!" 

Jonathan Harris

Cast Memories

Angela Cartwright

Bill Mumy

Bob May

Jonathan Harris

June Lockhart

Mark Goddard

Marta Kristen

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